Launching Cradles


Underground Piercing Tools (Moles) > Launching Cradles > Launching cradle 080-135
Underground Piercing Tools (Moles) > Launching Cradles > Launching cradle 080-135

Launching cradle 045-135
  • for TERRA-HAMMER ø 45-135 mm (1.8"-5.3")



Underground Piercing Tools (Moles) > Launching Cradles > Launching cradle 155-210
Underground Piercing Tools (Moles) > Launching Cradles > Launching cradle 155-210

Launching cradle 155-210
  • for TERRA moles ø 155-210 mm
  • with pulley and adapter for cable winch
  • without cable winch
  • with two horizontal guiding bars
  • with 4 ground sticks



Underground Piercing Tools (Moles) > Launching Cradles > Tirfor cable winch 1250
Underground Piercing Tools (Moles) > Launching Cradles > Tirfor cable winch 1250

Cable winch 1600
  • including 20 m cable and handle
  • pulling force 1600 kp, lifting force 800 kp
  • for launching cradle 155-190


Technical specifications can be changed without previous notice.
Technical informations depend on ground conditions.
Please note that the photos are only type similar. There are not shown all sizes of the same parts, which means that the effective appearance of the products may differ from the picture.

TERRA AG für Tiefbautechnik - Hauptstrasse 92 - 6260 Reiden - Schweiz - Tel. +41 62 749 10 10 -