Steel Pipe Ramming Systems > Rams > TERRA-HAMMER TR 200mini
steel pipe ram
"ramming force" 155 tonnes (170 US tons)
most powerful ram of its class
unique acceleration bores in the main piston
save 40 % air consumption
3 years of warranty for the main piston
ø 200 mm (7.8"")
only L=0.90 m (35") long
ram head with 3 ram cones ø 190, 155, 135 mm
(ram cones ø 7.5", 6.1" and 5.3")
rams steel pipes ø 150-400 mm (6"-16")
with pipe connector Rd 55 mm x 1/6"
frequency: 550 1/min
air consumption: 4.0 m3/min @ 6-7 bar
(140 cfm @ 85-100 psi)
Steel Pipe Ramming Systems > Rams > TERRA-HAMMER TR 220
steel pipe ram
"ramming force" 370 tonnes (410 US tons)
most powerful ram of its class
unique acceleration bores in the main piston
save 40 % air consumption
3 years of warranty for the main piston
ø 220 mm (8.6"")
only L=1.60 m (63") long
ram head with 2 ram cones ø 220 and 82 mm
(ram cones ø 8.6" and 3.2")
rams steel pipes ø 100-600 mm (4"-24")
with pipe connector Rd 55 mm x 1/6"
frequency: 320 1/min
air consumption: 7 m3/min @ 6-7 bar
(245 cfm @ 85-100 psi)
Steel Pipe Ramming Systems > Rams > TERRA-HAMMER TR 360
steel pipe ram
"ramming force" 840 tonnes (925 US tons)
most powerful ram of its class
unique acceleration bores in the main piston
save 40 % air consumption
3 years of warranty for the main piston
ø 360 mm (14")
only L=1.75 m (69") long
ram head with 2 ram cones ø 360 and 135 mm
(ram cones ø 14" and 5.3")
rams steel pipes ø 200-1'000 mm (8"-40")
frequency: 280 1/min
air consumption: 12 m3/min @ 6-7 bar
(420 cfm @ 85-100 psi)
Steel Pipe Ramming Systems > Steel Pipe Rams >
steel pipe ram
"ramming force" 2'400 tonnes (2'600 US tons)
most powerful ram of its class
unique acceleration bores in the main piston
save 40 % air consumption
3 years of warranty for the main piston
ø 565 mm (22")
only L=2.30 m (90") long
ram head with 2 ram cones ø 565 and 360 mm
(ram cones ø 22" and 14")
rams steel pipes ø 400-3'000 mm (16"-120")
frequency: 195 1/min
air consumption: 34 m3/min @ 6-7 bar
(1'200 cfm @ 85-100 psi)