Panel Quick Hitch Mini Excavator


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Cable Burster > Panel Quick Hitch Mini Excavator >

Console for quick hitch LIKUFIX 33
  • is mounted at the X 300 C
  • on top you mount the quick hitch system
  • mounting surface for quick hitch system 840 x 500 mm (33" x 20")
  • for LIKUFIX 33 from Liebherr


Technical specifications can be changed without previous notice.
Technical informations depend on ground conditions.
Please note that the photos are only type similar. There are not shown all sizes of the same parts, which means that the effective appearance of the products may differ from the picture.

TERRA AG für Tiefbautechnik - Hauptstrasse 92 - 6260 Reiden - Schweiz - Tel. +41 62 749 10 10 -